Team Account

A team account streamlines billing for companies, teams, or groups, and is exclusively available to business users.
The owner of a team account can invite team members and admins, all of whom share the team account credits for their productions.



This feature is only available for business users. Please contact us at to request access.

The team account feature only impacts billing. Team members cannot access each other’s productions, presets, etc.

Inviting Users

After gaining access to the team account feature, you can invite new team members via the Team Account section on the Account Settings page. Invited team members can be:

  • Existing Auphonic users

  • New users who do not yet have an account

When inviting users, you can assign them a role: Member or Admin. Sent invitations can be canceled at any time.


User roles can be changed at any time in the Team Members section.

Managing Team Account Members

The team account Owner and Admins can remove members and change roles within the team:


Roles and Permissions

There are three roles within the team account: Owner, Admin, and Member. Each role has specific permissions:





Use team account credits for productions

Send and cancel team account invitations

Edit team account member roles

Remove team account members

Purchase team account credits


The Owner role, held by the account creator, cannot be changed manually. Please contact us at if you want to change the owner of a team account.


The Owner of the team account is responsible for purchasing credits. Productions made by team members will use the credits from the team account.


As a team account member, you will see the team account owner’s credit balance instead of your own.

If you wish to access your personal credits, you can leave the team at any time.