
Auphonic is free for 2 hours of processed audio per month.
Need more? Add Recurring or One-Time Credits.


Pay yearly - Save 20%
Best Value

Recurring Credits

Recurring Credits
per month
Auphonic SAuphonic MAuphonic LAuphonic XLAuphonic SAuphonic MAuphonic LAuphonic XLMore than 100 hours per month
S 9 h/m
M 21 h/m
L 45 h/m
XL 100 h/m
S 9 h/m
M 21 h/m
L 45 h/m
XL 100 h/m
More > 100 h/m  
Purchase Plan Purchase selected recurring credits plan
Reset every month
You can see your available credits and reset date at the Account Settings page. Credits don't stack up if you don't use them!

One-Time Credits

One-Time Credits
5102550100More than 100 hours
5 h
10 h
25 h
50 h
100 h
> 100 h  
Purchase Credits Purchase selected one-time credit plan
Valid for an unlimited amount of time
Used after recurring but before free credits.

Auphonic Free

Free for 2h each month
Further important information about our plans
Prices without VAT Sales tax or VAT may be charged, depending on where you live. Companies from Europe can use their VAT ID (UID number) to purchase without VAT.
Do you need a more flexible plan? Simply add one-time credits on top of your recurring credits! They are great if you only occasionally need more than your monthly limit.

Feature comparison


Feature comparison
Feature Free Monthly & One-Time Yearly & Business
Intelligent Leveler Yes Yes Yes
Noise & Reverb Reduction Yes Yes Yes
Filtering & AutoEQ Yes Yes Yes
Loudness specifications Yes Yes Yes
Multitrack productions < 20 min < 20 min Yes Yes
Filler & Silence cutting Yes Yes Yes
Multilingual speech recognition No Yes Yes
Automatic shownotes and chapters No Yes Yes

Encoding, Workflows and API

Business feature comparison
Feature Free Monthly and One-Time Yearly and Business
Encoding, metadata & chapters Yes Yes Yes
Video support & audiograms Yes Yes Yes
Connect to external services Yes Yes Yes
Automatic publishing Yes Yes Yes
Auphonic API access Yes Yes Yes
Watch folders No Yes Yes
Batch productions No Yes Yes


Business feature comparison
Feature Free Monthly and One-Time Yearly and Business
Support Basic Basic Standard Standard Priority Priority
Early access to new features No Yes Yes
Priority processing No No Yes
Team accounts No No Business only Business only
Manual invoicing No No Business only Business only
Custom contracts No No Business only Business only

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Frequently Asked Questions

Billing is based on the duration of the audio files sent for processing in milliseconds, with the minimum processing time for billing being 3min.
If you process a 20min audio file with a 1min intro file, the processing time is 21min. You can use as many output files (MP3, AAC, ...) or input tracks (multitrack productions) as you want, the charged processing time will always stay the same.
When processing very short files, we charge at least 3min of credits per production to avoid spam attacks.

Recurring processing credits are reset every month according to its plan (Auphonic S to 9h, Auphonic M to 21h, etc.). If you don't use all credits in the current month, you cannot save them for the next month!
One-Time processing credits are used after recurring monthly credits (added on top of them), but before free credits, and are valid for an unlimited amount of time.

Recurring monthly credits are used first, one-time credits are added on top of them. Combine one-time credits with recurring credits, if you occasionally want to process more audio material.

Yes. You can edit your production without additional costs, as long as you use the same input files in the same production.
If you change one of your input files or create a new production, you will be charged again!

No. We charge credits only if your production was successful.

Yes, please use the Refund credits link on the production page to send us a description of the problem and all used credits will be refunded.

In the same way as all other productions, based on the duration of the output audio file.
For example, a 1 hour, 4 track production (4 files of 1 hour each) will produce a 1 hour output file and will require 1 hour of credits.