The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union will be implemented on May 25th, 2018. We used this opportunity to rework many of our internal data processing structures, removed unnecessary trackers and apply this strict and transparent regulation also to all our customers worldwide. Image from

At Auphonic we store as few personal information as possible about your usage and production data.
Here are a few human-readable excerpts from our privacy policy about which information we collect, how we process it, how long and where we store it - for more details please see our ...

The new Auphonic Audio Post Production Add-ons for Adobe allows you to use the Auphonic Web Service directly within Adobe Audition and Adobe Premiere (Mac and Windows): Audition Multitrack Editor with the Auphonic Audio Post Production Add-on.
The Auphonic Add-on can be embedded directly inside the Adobe user interface.

It is possible to export tracks/projects from Audition/Premiere and process them with the Auphonic audio post production algorithms (loudness, leveling, noise reduction - see Audio Examples), use our Encoding/Tagging, Chapter Marks, Speech Recognition and trigger Publishing with one click.
Furthermore, you can import the result file of an ...

At the Subscribe 9 Conference, we presented the first version of our new Audio Inspector:
The Auphonic Audio Inspector is shown on the status page of a finished production and displays details about what our algorithms are changing in audio files. A screenshot of the Auphonic Audio Inspector on the status page of a finished Multitrack Production.
Please click on the screenshot to see it in full resolution!

It is possible to zoom and scroll within audio waveforms and the Audio Inspector might be used to manually check production result and input files.

In this blog post, we will ...

Facebook is not only a social media giant, the company also provides valuable tools for broadcasting. Today we release a connection to Facebook, which allows to use the Facebook tools for video/audio production and publishing within Auphonic and our connected services.

The following workflows are possible with Facebook and Auphonic:
  • Use Facebook for live streaming, then import, process and distribute the audio/video with Auphonic.
  • Post your Auphonic audio or video productions directly to the news feed of your Facebook Page or User.

    Update 2021:
    Unfortunately Facebook no longer allows us to export videos directly to your user ...

Today we released free updates for the Auphonic Leveler Batch Processor and the Auphonic Multitrack Processor with many algorithm improvements and bug fixes for Mac and Windows.


  • Linear Filtering Algorithms to avoid Asymmetric Waveforms:
    New zero-phase Adaptive Filtering Algorithms to avoid asymmetric waveforms.
    In asymmetric waveforms, the positive and negative amplitude values are disproportionate - please see Asymmetric Waveforms: Should You Be Concerned?.
    Asymmetrical waveforms are quite natural and not necessarily a problem. They are particularly common on recordings of speech, vocals and can be caused by low-end filtering. However, they limit the amount of gain that can ...

We released an update of the free Auphonic iOS Recorder with new recording features (samplerate, precision), microphone input gain and monitoring support.

The Auphonic Recorder is a high-quality audio recorder with focus on ease of use, audio quality and stability. In combination with the integrated Auphonic Web Service, it’s possible to post process, encode, tag and publish your podcasts, interviews, music recordings on the go with a single click.

View Auphonic Recorder in App Store

Auphonic Recorder 1.2 Changelog

  • Monitoring Support: to hear the audio signal during recording with headphones.
  • Microphone Input Gain: if the recorded signal is too loud ...

Unlike videos, podcasts are hard to share on social media.
Auphonic can now generate shareable videos from audio files, including a dynamically generated waveform and your cover image (or possible chapter images) as background.

Audiogram screenshot from the podcast Forschergeist.
See our Audiogram Examples below for full example videos.

Why Audiograms?

Getting people excited about listening to podcasts on social media is hard.
A few services and tools emerged in 2016, which tried to generate shareable video clips from podcast audio files: WNYC Audiogram Generator, Clammr, Wavve and more.
Most of them include a dynamically generated ...

Today we released an update of the free Auphonic Edit Android app. It includes support for external storage devices, a new tablet layout, mouse support and much more.

Auphonic Edit is a non-destructive audio editor and recorder with focus on ease of use, high-quality audio and stability. In combination with the integrated Auphonic web service, you can post-process, encode, tag and publish your podcasts, interviews, music recordings on the go with a single click.

View Auphonic Edit in Play Store

Auphonic Edit 1.1 Changelog

  • Support for External Storage Devices: now you can save your recordings on external USB drives ...

Auphonic allows you to add external services to distribute processed and encoded result files to many hosting/storage providers or to your own servers.
We released an interface to Amazon S3 four years ago, now we open our S3 interface also for other S3-compatible storage providers like Google Cloud Storage, DreamHost and many more. They provide affordable, reliable and high-performance podcast/media file hosting.

All supported storage providers can be used for incoming and outgoing file transfers to/from Auphonic.
In this blog post, we will first describe the setup of a Generic S3 Account, then the integration of ...

After an initial private beta phase, we are happy to open the Auphonic automatic speech recognition integration to all of our users!

Our WebVTT-based audio player with search in speech recognition transcripts and exact speaker names.

We built a layer on top of multiple engines to offer affordable speech recognition in over 80 languages. This blog post also includes 3 complete examples in English and German.

Search within Audio and Video

One of the main problems of podcasts, audio and video is search.

Speech recognition is an important step to make audio searchable:
Although automatically generated ...